Download de MASV Desktop App voor Windows

Download Instructions

Follow the instructions below to install the latest version of the MASV Desktop App for Windows.

Stap 1

Download and run the the MASV Desktop App installer for Windows.

Stap 2

If you are presented with a Windows protected your PC window, click the Meer info link, and in the next window click Ren toch.. Dit zal de enige keer zijn dat u dit bericht ziet.

This temporary warning appears because we recently updated our code signing certificate with Microsoft. Rest assured, you can safely install the MASV Desktop App. You and your personal information are protected from unauthorized versions of the app.

Microsoft Defender warning message

Stap 3

Finish installing the app.

Here is a preview of the application:

Desktop app preview

Als u vragen of opmerkingen heeft, kunt u ons bereiken op [email protected]