The Official MASV Blog
Develop your creative media workflow with productivity tips, profiles on emerging tech, and interviews with creative specialists.
MASV Launches New Linux App For Large File Transfer in Media and Entertainment
Today MASV, the Pay-As-You-Go large file transfer service, is excited to release a new Linux version of our large file transfer app, plus useful improvements to our powerful transfer apps for Mac, Windows and server environments.
Greg Wood
Apr 19, 2021
How to Upload Large Files to Google Drive Quickly
We’re big fans of Google products at MASV – it’s just one reason why we’ve built integrations with Google’s Cloud Storage and Google Drive. In this post, we'll cover the good, the bad and the ugly of uploading large files to Google Drive.
Jim Donnelly
Apr 7, 2021
File Size Limits of the Most Popular Cloud Storage Providers
Nothing puts a damper on finishing your project like hitting a storage or transfer ceiling. One minute you think you’re about to deliver final files to your client, and the next you’re staring at a warning message that your files are too large for your cloud storage or file transfer limit. Ouch. Cancel your plans – you’re gonna need a workaround. Fortunately, there’s a better way.
Greg Wood
Feb 24, 2021
MASV Delivers to Microsoft Azure Storage
Today, MASV is pleased to announce our latest integration with a major cloud provider: Microsoft Azure. That means you can now use MASV to transfer large files and any volume of video content directly to Azure’s highly available and scalable cloud storage, with all the speed, security and simplicity you’ve come to expect from MASV.
Greg Wood
Feb 22, 2021
How To Send Large Files via Email. 5 Easy Ways.
Email, Slack, cloud storage providers, productivity apps; there are so many ways to share files. It can get confusing when you start to juggle which file was sent by whom using which platform? Wouldn't it be nice if everything could be sent as an email attachment?
Jim Donnelly
Nov 3, 2020
MASV Automates Large File Transfer To Popular Media & Entertainment Clouds
Watch Folders automates the process of uploading files from the MASV app to popular cloud storage services. MASV Cloud Integration establishes a central hub where IT and video professionals can collect files and funnel uploads to the world’s most popular clouds:
Mathew Sobkowicz
Sep 8, 2020